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About us

       The name of the association is "Society of  Design, Taiwan", abbreviated SODT.     The logo of our association is a symmetrical lens system.

       This association is a social organization established according to law and not for profit. To promote the research and application of optical design education, promote domestic industrial upgrading, contact international related organizations, and promote optical design academic and technical exchanges, the Taiwan Optical Design Society was established.

        The main tasks are as follows:

  1.  Study optical design principles

  2.  Promote optical design technology

  3. Cultivate optical design professionals

  4.  Combine industry, government, learning and research to assist industrial upgrading

  5.  Cooperate and exchange activities with related domestic and international societies and social organizations

  6.  Other matters related to the purpose and tasks of the Association


        Many teachers who taught optics and optical system design in Taiwan colleges and universities discussed how to apply for Taiwan’s optical technology, how to make difficult optical knowledge applicable to the development of optical products, and how to use optical  Engineers have more original development capabilities.  Our conclusion is to increase the exposure of research in the field of "optical design" so that the industry-government science can better understand the research and development energy of this discipline, so as to attract more excellent students to join, and to induce new and large industry-university projects.  Only then can the optical industry flourish.  Therefore, in the 99st year of the Republic of China, Professor Fang Yiqin, the Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, recruited optical fellows to establish the "Taiwan Optical Design Society" in Kaohsiung.  In the 101st year of the Republic of China, the second "Taiwan Optical Design Society" was held at Taipei University of Science and Technology, which expanded the invitation of all optical people to join the society and work together for Taiwan's optics. The "First Optical Design Society" organized by the "Taiwan Optical Design Society"  "Forum" received enthusiastic response from all walks of life and received 21 manuscripts, showing the results of several industry-academia projects.



Society of Optical Design, Taiwan historical activity record

  • March, 2010​, Professor Fang Yiqin of National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology established the "Society of Optical Design,Taiwan".

  • 2012, "Society of Optical Design, Taiwan" was taken over by Professor Lin Shimu of Taipei University of Technology.

  • October, 2012, the society passed the subsidy fee of the National Experimental Research Institute Space Center.

  • December, 2012, the Society held the "First Optical Design Forum" with the "National Space Center" and the "Optical System R&D Center".

  • September, 2019, the president was re-elected, and Professor Han Pin of National Chung Hsing University was elected as the chairman.

  • September, 2019, the meeting of managers was approved, and the address of the society was relocated to the National Chung Hsing University.

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2019, Council of Optical Design Society

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